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i'm done cleaning...for now

i've spent the last 2 hours cleaning my apartment and it looks really nice. i vacuumed everything that should/can be vacuumed, scrubbed everything that needed scrubbed (basically everything that wasn't vacuumed), and organized a bunch of things so they took up less space/less important space. additionally, i hung a few things up (ie: pictures, a bulletin board, a coat rack) that lisa wanted placed on the walls. all that still needs cleaned is 3 rather large piles of lisa's stuff. she's going to have to decide where to put her papers, magazines, and other stuff that she normally leaves sitting around.

the place does look really nice though, so that makes me happy. lisa's family should be less upset that we're living together when they see how nice we keep (ie: can make) the place. they're coming to visit tomorrow for her birthday, so it's going to be a long day of little swearing tomorrow.

tonight: D&D

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