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Eric Predicts the Future #1

I don't think I've told very many people, but I have a secret talent. I can predict the future. Today, I'd like to share my predictions of the future with you. It involves the upcoming election (Busch vs. Kerry 2004) and the results after the election.
The first thing that's really going to supprise people is the voter turn-out for the year. Ground breaking records would be set in 2004. I say would because busch has geniuses on his campaign management team. On election day, several "legalize it" (it being marajuana) rallies are scheduled (by Busch's people) in California, New York, Illionois and Washington D.C. Kerry's supporters take a few days ahead of time considering what is truely important for the country and show up in mas numbers for the rallies because they already had time off work. Marajuana doesn't get legalized and several rallies are broken up by cops. 4 people are severely injured in Chicago when a large paper mache hemp leaf is set ablaze by the fore mentioned indiviuals who were smoking marajuana inside the structure. Thanks to the rallies, Bush wins New York and Pennsylvania while splitting Illinois and stealing a few votes from California. Final Count of electoral vote count is Busch - 298, Kerry - 239, Nader - 1. There is a large uproar about a miscount and upon further investigation, the votes come up Busch - 299, Kerry - 239, Nader - 0. Busch remains in office.
Very few things of interest happen while Busch is in his second term. Here are a few key things.
In 2006 Busch mentions that he hopes his son someday becomes president also, as it's now a family tradition. When questioned about his son he just laughes and says "just wait."
In February (or possibly March) of 2007 Busch files for divorce stating "personal differences" as his reason. It is commonly believed that the two have disagreements about their children.
In August of 2007 the divorce is final and Busch is now a swingin' single president.
In February of 2008, on the same day he filed for divorce, Busch annouces that he is homosexual. He attempts to claim that it has been a recent developement but later claims that "we're born with it" reminding everyone off his inability to commit to an arguement.
Finally, I would like to mention that I don't have a prediction as to the outcome of the 2008 election, but I do know that Busch doesn't get assassinated as you would believe would happen.
As stated above, I have the abliity to predict the future. I never said I can read it (or even distinguish what's real right now) and I don't want my omniscience to change your vote. Yes, I'm probably going to vote for Busch because I don't want to support a loser. Well, mainly because I think it's going to be awesome to see the shenanigans involving his divorce and "coming out of the closet."

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-10-10 at 11:38 a.m.
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