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death vs. getting a job

so my grandma's going to die within the next few days. this sucks because she was a good person, but i wasn't really that close. she's actually my step-grandma. i don't like it that she's going to die, because having good people (who mean something to me) die is just plain suck anyway. yes, i phrased that last sentence as intended.
so the part that sucks most is that Manpower is sposta be calling me next week for testing. the called me friday (yesterday) to find out if i still needed a job and i do. they said they'd call me during the week to have me come in for testing. i may, therefore, miss an opportunity at a job for the funeral. it won't be completely missed, as they test once a week, so i can test next week, but it'll push my job getting-ness back 1 week.
i know it sounds shitty that my biggest concern is whether i can get a job or not, but that's really my biggest priority right now. i've not had a job for a while and once i pay rent (and utilities) for november, i'm going to be rather low on money, so i need a paycheck coming in soon thereafter. *le sigh*

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-10-16 at 11:52 a.m.
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