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Itchin' to Start the Mission

I got home from my job interview about 1 hour ago. It went really well and I think I have a fairly good chance of getting the job. Additionally, some random cool things have happened recently. Tony B. came down last night and played some hacky with Johnny and me. Lisa and I made stuffed grape leaves several days ago and have been eating them ever since. We've not been constantly eating them, but we have some with most of our meals. Two nights ago, when heading to bed, I spied a man sitting in his running car outside my apartment building and decided to see what was happening. After about 3 minutes, he got out of his car and put a note on someone's car. He then drove around in our parking lot for about 10 minutes before finally leaving. His suspicious activities made me curious, so I went and checked out the note. After reading it, I decided to take it. Here's exactly what it says:
I knew you would run over to your dirtfuck's place. Take care of yourself, I hope you get the help you need. Give me a call when you get better, I'm tired of playing 2nd fiddle to that faggot asshole.
I feel that not only did I prevent some girl from becoming upset about this note, but I also entertained several people by reading this to them. Now you too can enjoy this. I'm going to go do something else now.

this is me.
i was writed on 2005-04-06 at 9:41 a.m.
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