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Art Buildings Expedition

Last night was pretty awesome. Lisa, Johnny, Chad and I walked around on a trail by Johnny's apartment for a while and played in the woods next to the trail. Then, Lisa was tired, so we walked back to Johnny's and drove her to the apartment. Then Johnny, Chad, and I drove downtown and then walked to the art buildings. We spent about 2 hours climbing around on the art buildings and the scenery was cool and much stealthiness was exhibited. Afterward, we walked back to the car and got grindage at the gas station. Actually I got no grindage, for lack of fundage, but grindage was had. Then we dropped Johnny off and kicked it for a bit. All in all, quite an enjoyable evening/night.

this is me.
i was writed on 2005-04-18 at 5:35 p.m.
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