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Magic Tournament

Yesterday, I was in Des Moines for the State (Territory) Championship of Magic: The Gathering. I didn't take first or anything. In fact, I finished the day at 3-4 which was about the middle of everyone. However, I used a deck which was entirely designed by me, whereas most people use decks that they find online. Not only was my deck an original design, it was fairly unique. There was nothing like it being used by anyone. People loved to watch my deck as it worked differently than everyone else. This made me happy, as people would quite commonly crowd around my game to watch. Every match I would receive compliments from the people around me and usually from my opponent too. So I didn't win, but I had fun. That's what I went there to do anyway.

this is me.
i was writed on 2005-10-23 at 12:40 p.m.
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