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Almost Infinite

I've recently been wanting to type a story using more than 30 oxymora or perceived oxymora. I've got a moderately good list of the ones to use and even a decent story idea for them. I've just been too caught up on "almost infinite." The problem is that it's not an oxymoron or even a perceived oxymoron but it seems like it should be. I understand why it's not, as almost is not contradictory to infinite and it requires the combination to cause the contradiction. Additionally, it's two adjectives, which rarely constitutes an oxymoron. I do like the impossibility of "almost infinite" though. Nothing can be almost infinite. Even a number so large as to be practically infinite is still an infinite distance from being infinite. This whole thing has kept me in somewhat quite contemplation for the day. It's the good stuff. My brain's been working. I really want to go for coffee and bullshit. It'd be good if Seager, Ozzie and Smalz were there.

this is me.
i was writed on 2006-03-30 at 4:57 p.m.
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