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The Possum's Funeral

Thank you to everyone who made my birthday worth celebrating. Many happy birthday wishings were received, and I appreciated every one of them. This may be the first birthday that I didn't want to spit in the face of someone wishing me happy birthday because I didn't like them in the first place. Two people didn't call or write that I half expected to. Those two people would be my ex-girlfriend, Lisa, and my step-sister, Shalane. However, I don't need the two of them. I've got the rest of my friends, and they obviously love me.
I would like to apologize to anyone that thought I was being mopey at the end of the night because of my birthday. At the bowling alley, I was reminded that it's been nearly 6 years since my dad died. This gets me upset. While I may not be overly public about it, I still miss the hell out of him. If I've ever had an idol, or a role-model, or something of that nature, he was it. And I lost him when I was only 18, because it was time for him to go. I don't know who thought it was time, but when it is, it is.
Four years ago, today (well, if today was still the 1st) I wrote this:

"And this, my friend,
Is what it's like to die
where no one's watching."

I feel as though it still applies. As I'm currently unable to write anything of quality, I instead choose to quote a song which I feel could be directed to me. It's by the band Floater, and they are awesome.

"Goodbye friend
The world no longer needs you.
You were so kind to lead the life
you left behind.

And thanks again
From all of us who had to feed you.
With this burden off our backs,
we'll be sublime...

And from the world
you corrupted
and almost forced to change...
Now that your through
we can bury you.

And we'll be fine."

this is me.
i was writed on 2006-11-02 at 1:32 a.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
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