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Silly Rabbit, Cigarettes Are for Kids

When I went into the laundry room earlier, to switch loads of laundry, I noticed that the door was closed and the lights were on. This made very little sense, as I left the door open and turned the lights off when I left. Furthermore, I was using both washing machines, so no one could have started laundry. This is all unimportant to the story. The important part is that when I walked in there were 3 boys of about 13 years of age smoking in there. They all immediately threw their cigarettes into a 20 ounce bottle of Mountain Dew and hurried out of the room. The whole time I was changing my loads of laundry I laughed to myself about how much they panicked. They probably should have gone outside so as to not risk being discovered.

this is me.
i was writed on 2007-01-27 at 3:02 a.m.
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