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Catching Up

I haven't updated in so long. Once it gets to a certain point, updating everything that's changed can seem so overwhelming. I'll try to cover most of it, but I'll probably be so brief about it that it will all seem stupid. I'll just have to make it a point to not go this long without updating again. So, changes.
I've finally started supervising again at work. I'm still not a supervisor and don't expect to be anytime soon, because there aren't any openings. Spending part of my week supervising is nice though.
Speaking of work, I now work four 10 hour days. Saturday through Tuesday I work 1:30 to midnight. That gives me 3 days off a week, and lets me have much more of a social life. This should also allow me to go to Iowa City and see people more frequently.
Why did I not go to Iowa City this week? I had a tooth pulled. The tooth that was in really shitty condition in the back right side of my mouth finally decided it wanted to hurt me. The dentist said it probably couldn't be saved, which didn't surprise me, so it got pulled. Paying for this took all my money, so I couldn't afford to go to Iowa City. I've been in a decent amount of pain since then, but the pain does seem to be decreasing.
Because I've been in pain for the last several days, I've not spent as much time with people that I'd like to, and my work week starts back up today. Most of my friends have been fairly busy with shit anyway, so it's not a big deal, but I miss hanging out with them.
I do like hanging out with Lacey. The two of us click better than I could have/would have expected. We went for a walk yesterday, to enjoy the fact that it was 60 out. Hopefully my mouth hole won't hurt too much tonight and I'll feel up for sleeping at her place, since I haven't in nearly a week.
My family's doing well. Not a lot to write about with them.
If you mistype "friends hit," then it can come out as "friend shit" and that's funny.
Oh, financially. Eric's doing fairly well there. I'm keeping up with bills and making a bit of progress towards debts. I would be doing better if I didn't have to spend nearly $300 getting a tooth extracted. Regardless of that, I like having a full time job. It lets me pay my bills and do nice things for my girlfriend. Oh, I can do nice things for myself too, if that counts for anything. It probably doesn't though.
Writing about the girlfriend reminds me. She bought me a dozen roses Tuesday and brought me them with some broccoli & cheddar soup. This cheered me up when I was in excruciating pain since I couldn't have the tooth pulled until Wednesday. She's awesome.
I should probably finish getting ready for work now. I'll try to update more frequently in the future.

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i was writed on 2007-03-24 at 1:08 p.m.
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