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Angels without wings

Hold yourself on top of me.
Push your way inside of me.
I'll tear myself open
And let the leeches in.

She scares the fuck out of me. It's no longer because she's dangerous. It's no longer because she's taboo. It's because I actually care. It's because she actually cares. It's because I can't go away. In my head. In my (that which was designed to feel things but has for so long proven moderately incapable).

I thought you were given wings if you were meant to fly. Still I jump to see if I can, and she's there holding my hand. Really, can we both fly without wings? We haven't dropped yet. Gravity is a mystery, this time.

If I could run a razor
'Cross every scar on your heart
We'd bleed to death together
Our beautiful dieing art

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-09-10 at 10:40 a.m.
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