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i like rain

i just woke up. it feels nice to get up at a time like this. i had a dream that i was walking in the front door of my house, and one of my housemates started rolling eggs down the handrail of the stairs at me. i told "no, because the chicken is good." i also had a dream that my friend in the army came home (he's in germany) andi was living at my mom's house. needless to say, my friend had super powers and that's why they let him out of the army. in he dream i was just about to fly to australia to go see him, because an oracle told me that he was in australia.

it rained while i slept. i think i might go walk around town. everything's so my more beautiful when there little drops of water running off of it. i love the rain. i don't get why people hate it so much. it's nurishment for sll the plants which we eat .the animals we eat find nurishment in those plants too. rain brings life. and it feels good. after i check my email, i'm gonna go walk around for a while.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-09 at 4:32 p.m.
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