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alright, so this' my first entry. as a warning for all of you who might happen upon my diary, i swear a lot. if you have a problem with this, FUCK YOU! and i drink a lot of coffee and smoke a lot of cigarettes. and i'm fucking happy with that. i've not had a job since my father died last september (that'd be sep. 2000). i've dropped out of college twice. and i'm happy with that too. i figure, ima give something back to the world. and school's not gonna help me with that. that, i have to do through my music and movies. no, i have nothing recorded and available for you, so don't ask. when i get something, i'll post a notice here and you can all get it free. but once i get a cd finished, fucking buy it anyway. i need the money so i can continue to not work a shitty 9-fucking5 job. that way i can continue to make music, keep you happy, and keep me happy. it'll ALL be good. also, i'll probably talk a lot about the shitty horror movies i watch. i'll suggest some to you and tell you not to watch some. and in the end, you won't care. so, if we have that clear, shit's ok. oh ya, i'm a dreamer. i talk about all kinds of cool shit i'm gonna do, and only do about 20% of it. so, if i say i'm gonna cure aids, it probably means i'm gonna get over a cold. i think we're all like this to a certain degree, but i seem to be the only moron vocalizing (or writing about) my silly/unrealistic goals/dreams. i think that's enough for now, being as how i have nothing to say. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-08 at 11:02 p.m.
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