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ground control to you

time may change me......

but i can't change time.

so true. but, i'm not out to change time. people need to listen to more bowie. and after they listen to bowie, they need to absorb what he says. like the fact that we can't change time (history). if shit sucked, it sucked. but it doesn't always have to suck. that's yer responsibility to change it before it becomes "time." ya, you get what i'm saying. and "ground control to major tom" is cool too. the world's like "hey, who do you represent?" and he's all like "hey, i'm on my own. i respresent myself. i'm above yer problems. i can't change your shit." it's cool. 'cuz he's saying fuck the world. he's solved his own problems and knows that their problems are their own. even though they're all like trying to depend on him. or at least, that's how i interpret it. not to mention that bowie werks with trent reznor a lot. and reznor says cool shit too. so together, they say even cooler shit. so, listen to bowie. and reznor. then REALLY listen to them.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-18 at 6:43 p.m.
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