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quirks part II

ooh, i figured out a few more quirks:

x) i'm proud of a lot of silly things. like the fact that i've eaten escargo, squid, brioche, weinerschnitzel and several other "delicacies."

12) i find it REALLY amusing when my mom says "shit" or "it sucks."

r74) i organize shit too much. like i said in my other "quirks" page, it's fun. i organized my kool-aide yesterday. i put it in order that i'm going to drink it, with the one i'm going to drink first on top. i even reasoned it out in my head. 2/3 of my kool-aide is red. therefore, i have 2 reds, then a non-red. and i don't want 2 of the same flavor within 4 kool-aides of each other, so i had to vary that too. i made it much more complex than most people would have. i found pleasure in it.

you sunk my battleship) due to lack of job and school, i often lose track of time. i never lose track of the time of day. i do, however, lose track of the day of time. and the month. sometimes, i lose track of the year. thus, i don't remember my age very well. i don't much care. i'm old enough to buy cigarettes. that's all that matters. therefore, as a default, i tell people i'm 12 when they ask. it's easier than thinking it out. i've even told gas station attendants this when trying to buy cigarettes. i've told cops this. i've told movie theater ticket sales people this. needless to say (and i'm going to say it anyway), they were not amused.

cake) i think certain people do look cooler when smoking. it's part of their image. without a cigarette, they seem strangely out of place.

BAM-O) i can't remember the majority of my friends' birthdays, but i can tell you what clothing would look good on them and what music they would listen to. i'm not gay. maybe i should be. anyway, i know my friends incredibly well, and i don't think stupid shit like when they were born or their names (yes, i forget their names sometimes) is necessary to remember. only important shit needs to be remembered. as a general rule of thumb: if they made the decision to do something, if an event changed decisions they did make or will make, and if a decision they don't make will change shit.

anyway, sandra and sarah just showed up. that doesn't make sense. sandra lives in kansas. i haven't seen here in about 4 months. crazy. gotta go, bye.

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