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all i really want

do i stress you out?

my sweater's on backwards and inside out

and you say ho-OW-ow appropriate.

i'm listening to alanis morisette. her first major album. she's cool. after reading the posp's diary: i've become rather somber. and i just woke up. i made myself a pot of coffee (10 cups) and started in on it. next, i took to reading my friends' diaries. several mentioned me. none said anything good. I'M HAPPY WITH THAT. i can say it. a) they mentioned me, which means i'm important to them. b) i may know my faults, but not always want to acknowledge them. if they do for me, i've no possible solution but to confront myself and deal with my faults. aha. i'm learning to grow as a person. originally, i felt the need to make a few remarks in here in an attept to defend myself. fuck it though. if i do, i'll fail at recognizing what they say/said. they are/were right. it's time for me to let down my defenses and let them get to me. and i'll be different afterwards. and i'll be a better person. if only i could fly.....

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-19 at 10:52 a.m.
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