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responses to other diaries

aye, i've been reading my friend's diaries. yesterday seemed to be the day for everyone to update. that's cool. gave me something to read. and ozzie emailed me. so i wrote to her too. last night spencer yelled at me. he confronted me. he told me how i felt. then, he calmed down. and we spoke rationally. and he listened to me. that's cool. gratned, it took me being personally attacked for a while in order for him to listen, but he listened. and i REALLY hope he listened and didn't just hear me. if so, things will be a LOT better. now, responses to what i've read (in no particular order):

DJ: i told him this in person and what not, but i'm glad he realizes i'm happy. and i'm glad he's happy that i'm happy. i sound like a sappy fucking moron. oh well. maybe i am.

Tony: bah, i know yer not a moron. and i know you know yer music. and yer fucking sports too. i like the word "yer." and the word "aye." i feel like a dwarf out of d&d when i use those words. that has nothing to do with tony though.j

Mark: it made me happy to see that you had a good day yesterday. that you got up and did shit. i'm gonna go wake you up in like 20 minutes (2 PM) to make sure you get yer coat. and so we can hang out. hanging out is cool.

Clark: dude, yer not happy. that's not cool. but, i is are have for want you to at for speak. io: we should talk. i know you some. i think i know you better than you think i know you. but, i know i don't totally know you. i probably never will, but a little more insight on what makes the clark tick would be cool.

Julie: so, you likes hearing my insight into your world? bah (ooh, another dwarf word). i'm not yer entertainment monkey.... unless you were genuine. in which case, i'm busy making an ass out of myself right now. your entry just seemed fairly patronizing of my views. they're my views, and if i'm incorrect, you should let me know. if i'm correct, i don't see why it'd be so humorous. people are so vague. bah.

Andrea: you've all like been saying you're not happy and what not, but you seem happy when you're speaking to me and mark on icq. at least, last night you did. you should be happy more. that'd be cool. let me know. i don't know what you should let me know, just let me know.

Katy: well, you've not actually written much i feel a need to reply too, BUT dj did for you. ya, it sucks that mark and i said you took him frfom us. and, as mark said, you DID take him from us, but now he's back. granted, i can't be EVERYONE'S best friend, but there was a significant point of time when dj would give us very little of his time and/or thoughts. now, he's talking to us again and spending time with us. so, it's all good, but, at the same time, you don't get to see him as much. so that sucks. 'cause i don't want to steal your best friend from you. you're good people. take into account, you're one of like 3 signifcant others i've EVER approved of dating my friends. the other were Sara (dating spencer now), and katie dating mark (i introduced them for god's sake). i'm not gonna go into detail about why i disliked all the other relationships my friends have been in. just know that you're one of three. you're a great person, and i've NEVER seen dj this happy. and he even got a job, so i REALLY think shit will work out for you two. and you can tell my kids, and yer kids, and the whole world that you met on New Years Eve. and i'll till take credit. because, if i'd been in town, dj would have been with me and tony, and we would NOT have been at judas'. so i'll ALWAYS claim credit. you think whatever you want :P

if you wanna see what i'm responding to of these people, click on their link down beneath. mark helped me add those, i'm httl impaired. ps: mark is the posp for those of you who don't know that.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-25 at 1:53 p.m.
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