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does this bird belong to you?

holy shit. no one's updated since i last did. that quite a while. like 22 hours. and a bunch has happened since then. went and saw rocky horror again. last night was MUCH better than friday night. i ended up acting as brad. because purdy was too fucking stoned and lazy. so then, a bunch of us went to VI for coffee and pop and food and whatnot. then we came back here and watched "shock treatment" the almost-sequal to rocky horror. it made no sense. then we sat around and talked a bunch. it was fun. corinne left me her number and email address and website address and schlock. that's cool. i'm gonna be doing a LARGE write up about rocky horror for chegg's site. that should be up within a week. when it is, i'll let you all know. i gotta get all the pictures people said they'd be giving me. then i gotta get access to a scanner to scan them. THEN, i can finally post it. so, it may be more than a week. i think my coffee's done, so that's all. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-28 at 1:34 p.m.
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