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a weekend of passing thoughts.

read the previous entry before this. otherwise, this'll make very little sense. this is my weekend, in my head, as best i can remember. the following are only my passing thoughts. i will give a time frame followed by people present. thoughts will probably only be in orger by general time frame, as the order of my passing thoughts does not stick with me.

friday night, while getting ready for rocky horror. dj, katy, elise, megan, brandy: "damn, katy's hot. i'm glad she's with dj. i've had too many girlfriends with that depression shit. i couldn't put up with it. if she had higher self-esteem. but, no. then i'd like her. i'm glad she's depressed." "elise isn't as hot as she used be be." "i don't understand why people claim megan is dumber than brandy. she's not." "i'm glad joey's not going [to rocky horror] with julie. maybe it'll give me a chance to hit on her."

friday night, upon julie's arrival and my departure with her (to rocky horror): "julie's not hot in this clothing."

friday night, waiting in line for rocky horror. tons of people. people worth noting are julie, bree, purdy, jolene, "skater chick" from on the hill, my brother (jon), some hot chick (i think he name's leslie). "well, bree's not hot wearing that." "fuck. jolene's here." "great, there goes purdy and bree to go smoke up. good thing they can't just have a good time while sober." "ok, so julie's just not gonna talk to me, so much for that her hitting on me thing." "shit, skater-chick's here. and she's still fuckin hot. damn. bra and panties.....drool." "jon's actually treating me like a human being. cool. if only he did more often." "that chick's hot. and she's really nice. ooh, i should ask her if i can get those pictures she's taking. then she'd give me a way of contacting her."

firday night, inside the theator. people worth note are julie, corinne (who i didn't know at the time and i will refer to as magenta), bree, purdy, logan (dr. frankenfurter, i will refer to him as "frank"), andy. "damn, i wish malgren were here. he'd love this. i miss him." "why the fuck does julie want me to take a seat and then it on me?" "why the fuck is bree sitting on purdy?" "why the fuck is julie now not wanting to sit on me?" "fuck." "i wish i had whatever it is that frank has. he's cool, and he has to know it, but he just disappears, rather than flaunt his coolness. and, he's friends with skater-chick." "holy shit, magenta has the prettiest face. and she keeps talking to me. and she's nice. ok, julie should get off me so i can hit on magenta and not think i'm taken." "julie has a boyfriend and i wonder what he'd have to say about her sitting here, laying her head on my shoulder, in a dark theater, with my arm around her." "i'm glad andy tries so hard to be accepted by the people that would've accepted him for nothing."

friday night, at village inn after rocky horror. i remeber all the people there. they were julie, bree, purdy, kyli, colin, corinne, kim, melissa, will, jolene, purdy, andy, dustin, dustin's girlfriend, seager, andrea, aaron. "it's funny how the right side of me is all people talking about weed and the left side is people talking about drinking." "ask magenta her name. she's hot, and doesn't seem to know anyone here." "corinne is a beautiful name, i don't know why she says she'd have chosen something more mundane." "ok, julie, i ge the hint. you wanna go. you wanna go with just me to my house. i wanna stay and talk to people. and talk to corinne." "there goes andy again. suck up the attention andy. i know it's gonna mean nothing once they get to know you." "damn, i wish seager lived here. we have the best mis-adventures." "bree should just fuck purdy and get it over with. she never stays with the people she fucks for too long. it'd be so much less annoying around the two of them if she wasn't constantly trying to get on him." "fuck, i get up to pay my bill and everyone thinks it's time to go."

friday night, at my house. julie came home with me. "hmmmm. maybe i'll just let shit happen with julie. she's gotta start it though. it'd be wrong. well, would it? maybe. things have happened before. so at least it's no one new. but she's got a boyfriend she's 'happy' with. and i like angie. and that corinne chick was cool. and i don't want julie all over me constantly." "ah, my hand is on fire. this sucks." "good thing dj's in here. it's really irritating julie. she'll leave soon. i'll thank him. stopped me from having to make a decision." "well, julie's gone. i should go thank dj."

saturday afternoon, while driving around getting other people ready for rocky horror. i was with mike and jonah. we stopped a bunch of places. "couldn't these two have fucking gotten ready before tonight?" "i hate mike's mom. it's just something about her. i don't think she has a sense of humor. i want to punch her." "jonah talks about how good he looks as a female almost as much as i do. i wonder if he's as insecure about his physical appearance as i am." "holy shit. mike looks even uglier when he's dressed as an old lady."

saturday night, at my house while getting ready for rocky horror. dj, katy, jonah, mike, tony, seager. "tony should join us. he'd have a good time. i don't get why he's so worried about people seeing him with all of us while we're dressed like this. it's only one night. and even if it wasn't, who are they to judge us because of how we dress?" "i hate having to figure out driving arangements. i can't even drive."

saturday night, waiting for rocky horror to start. bunches of people. most have been previously noted. "where is corinne?" "there goes bree and purdy again. that's two nights in a row." "where's julie?" "i wonder if mark's gonna make it. i hope so." "where the hell is corinne?" "damn, there's A LOT of virgins here." "well, this is gonna be a lot better than last night. more people." "this should be fairly cool with andy as rocky." "kim should be here. too bad she has to work. i wonder if i'm gonna end up being columbia then." "where the FUCK is corinne?" "ah, there she [corinne] is. give her a hug. greet her." "pussy. couldn't hug her. who the hell is that gimpy dude with her? ask." "pussy. couldn't ask." "invite frank to come watch 'shock treatment' afterwards with us all." "ok, he's not coming. gotta keep up that whole mysterious thing." "ooh, there's skater chick again. she's still hot." "where's julie?" "there's julie." "why's she not coming in here?" "what the fuck. ok, she won't tell me why she's not coming in but she wants me to go get brian. fuck her. finger her." "now she's trying to get dj to go get brian. tell dj not to." "fuck julie. she's being a cunt. finger her again." "go talk to corinne. she's interesting." (note that i quit thinking of her hottness and began thinking of her personality. props to me.) "HOLY FUCKING SHIT! IT'S BAKER!"

saturday night, during rocky horror. tons of people again. "hmm. there's an open seat by corinne. go take it." "ok, we're in dj and katy's seats. hmmm. seats on the right, invite corinne." "YAY, it's just me and jonah and corinne over here." "why did dj and katy go sit in the back? we gave them seats." "why isn't anybody acting?" "fuck bree and purdy. she's even willing to admit they smoked themselves lazy, but didn't tell us we needed to find other actors." "damnit, that other due sat between me and corinne." "jon's stealing all my good fucking lines." "ok, we got all the parts covered." "logan's suprised as shit to see me as brad. oh well. the people in the audience must find it funny that a catholic school girl is acting as brad." "these shoes are uncomfortable, but when i take them off, my socks get covered in shit." "jonah makes a fairly good magenta." "make sure corinne's coming to the house afterwards." "NO!" "she's gotta take that guy home." "YAY! she really wants to come. she's pleading with him. he's coming. that's fine. he's obviously not a brother or boyfriend or anything important. maybe she's babysitting him. he seems mentally handicapped." "make sure my brother and them are coming." "dammit. they should come with us instead of drinking. oh well."

saturday night, at village inn, after rocky horror. tons of people. most previously mentioned. "dammit, andy's hitting on corinne. good. she seems uninterested. she's hitting on me. ha." "jolene wasn't here tonight. good." "there's a lot of people here." "i spited them all and saved corinne a seat by he. HA HA!" "get her number." "cool. i got her number. i NEVER have the balls to do that." "give her yours." "yay, i did." "dammit, andy's hitting on her again. and he's got something i don't. the ability to act like her gives a shit about what she's saying. i have no clue what they're talking about, and i guarentee he doesn't really care." "ha ha. she changed the subject to talk to me." "bree and her whole hitting on purdy....i hope she doesn't invite him over to my house. he'll just go hang out with spencer and johnny, who didn't invite him over, because they've got weed." "i should shower when i get home. i've already showered today though. but still, i have make-up on that i want to get off." "well, it's about that time."

saturday night, my house. katy, dj, bree, corinne, the guy with her, seager, andy, will, chad, mike, jonah. "where's andera. her and aaron were sposta be coming. hmm... oh well." "ok, so like 5 of these people came over to my house to NOT watch the movie. even though we came to watch the movie." "good thing bree came back here. she can sleep in my bed and get up every so often to see if spencer and johnny are smoking up. i know the just love it when she uses them for weed. and i love it when she uses me to get to them." "bree should get the fuck out of my bed." "corinne should get the fuck in my bed. i see her lurkin' over there. i see her looking at me." "this movie fucking sucks. good thing i'm coming up with some clever lines to mock it." "corinne says she has to go. that's probably good. gets andy off her back. i wouldn't be suprised if her calls her tomorrow though. i'm not sure if she gave him her number." "give her a hug." "pussy. that's twice you've failed. and everyone else got a hand shake. you got nothing. maybe she's as uncomfortable as you are. maybe she's scared too. email her in a few days." "ok, everyone's falling asleep, but they won't go home. what the fuck?" "ah, bree's going. hey, they're all going."

saturday night, for once, alone. "i should rub one off. it's been like five or six days." "i'm tired, fuck it, i'm going to sleep." "my diary will get to hear about all of this later."

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-29 at 2:29 p.m.
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