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passings thoughts?

i decided to do another entry. this is actually something i was considering while walking around the house at like 5:20 AM (read the previous to get this story). what if someone told people what they really thought. all the time. not like in "Liar, Liar" where jim carrey had to tell them. i'm talking about someone who wanted to tell people what they thought. see how people will react when they get to know the real you. so i thought about it. certain times, you realize your thoughts are passing, so there's really no point in vocalizing passing thoughts. but then i realized a lot of people act on passing thoughts. that what most one-night stands are. simply passing thoughts of attraction. so maybe those passing thoughts are who you really are, just as much as repeated thoughts. then, i began to realize a fair ammount of my passing thoughts have become my actions throughout life. i always share my repeated thoughts and my feelings, but never share my passing thoughts. well, i do share some. but i only share my passing thoughts that i believe people would find humorous. then i thought "what would it be like inside my head for another person?" i wondered how they would act upon my thoughts. read the next entry and PLEASE respond. my email address is [email protected] and there's a link for it on the page. i would really appreciate it if everyone who read the next entry (whether i know you or not, whether you were there or not) would give me their outlook on the situation. please also let me know if i can quote responses. and do not tell me the response in person. i'll forget direct quotes. email me it.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-29 at 12:01 p.m.
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