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being 19 and not caring.

i'm 19. i don't really care. it's sunny out. it should be raining or snowing. fucking global warming. i went to the high school. the people i wanted to see weren't there (except julie and katy, they were :>) to see. i'm going dinner tonight with my mom. i don't know if there's going to be anyone else there. i hope mark comes. that'd be the posp i speak of. mike was the first person to wish my happy birthday. that means a lot to me. our friendship had/has been kindy odd ever since he moved out. it ment a lot that he called me as soon as he got off work (1:15 AM) to wish me happy birthday. even the several people i was with hadn't wished me it yet. when people say "happy birthday" my new response is "you too." it's worked out well thus far. my brother got me a book. johnny got me a book. that makes me happy. i like to read. and i'm talking to katy. that's cool. i've not talked to her much. ok, she just left. but we talked, and it was cool. i was unsure as to what to speak of, but we spoke. and good times were had by all involved. this entry took me too long to write because i wasn't paying attention. my sister's going to make it to dinner tonight. she just called and said she's getting off work early to join us. and i'm gonna try to get ahold of mark. so, that'd be cool. i'm gonna start reading my book now. it'll probably be done within a few days. then i'll read the one johnny gave me. books are so wonderful. you people should read more. ok, bye.

ps: i emailed tory to wish her a happy birthday. it simply said "happy birthday ~eric." she'll probably not write back. it's good to lose friends :)

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