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quirks 3.

quirks part 3:

i like role-playing games. at first, i liked them because i could be who i wanted to be. i was always a mage or theif of some sort. i was greedy. i killed everything. now, i like them because i can be who i am. i'm usually a cleric or mage. i help people. i try to stop conflicts. i try to better people. i no longer want to be the same person i once wanted to be.

i keep things i really don't need. when i moved into this house, i took the doorknob off the door to my room. it's in my lap right now. it's been sitting on or near my computer desk since i removed it. i took a bunch of tea packets from Village Inn about 1 month ago. they're on my computer desk too. i should go have a boston tea party in the bathtub.

i get really uncomfortable when giving advice. no one seems to realize that. i THINK i've deduced the reasons. 1) i spent such a large ammount of time joking arounand being all things but serious that people often think i'm not being serious when i am. 2) in the past i've been a dick about things. and i'm still rather blunt. therefore, people claim i'm just being an asshole when i give them my advice. i can't change that i was a dick in the past, and i think i am much less of an ass now. therefore, it reiterates the theory that people will come up with any excuse to disbelieve things they wish to not hear.

i like shit to be "clean." this doesn't mean there can't be piles of things or that everything must be spotless. this just means that things must be orderly and conveniently placed. i don't want a pile of clothes in the middle of the hall. a pile of clothes in the corner of your room is ok though. i, also, want to be able to find the clothes i want in that pile, so don't rearange my things. it'll make me mad.

i want to fly. i want to be able to see everything from above. i want to see all the beauty from a different perspective.

i eat really slow. i just don't like eatting. i like the feel of not starving and the taste of food. i just don't like having to eat. most of you don't know the feeling of starving. and don't bother asking. i can't explain it. neither can dj, i'm sure.

i don't like telling people the band that i'm listeing to. i prefer to make them guess. no one seems to understand this. i have reasoning for it though. i prefer them to judge on sound, rather than on band. too many people i know like stuff simply because of the band. or likewise with actors/actresses. i don't think that anyone should gain respect just for that. it's about the music, not the band.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-06 at 10:25 p.m.
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