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quotes of the day.

good quotes of the day:

"by no, i really meant yes."

"wait, if they were the same price, i'd choose a blow-job over a mega-buddy."

"i saw you, but i was trying to esacpe."

"do i really need to have my head in the car right now?"

"see, i'd actually dyke out with her because she has the whole shaved-pussy thing going on."

"we should make a porno and sell it."

"i like the top of my pants to be big at the top so my fiancee can put her head down there."

"you date guys that live a long ways away and speak in alot of jargon. that way, the few times you see them, they're still pretty and when you have to talk to them, you don't have to pay attention because it wouldn't make sense any way."

"i'd like a jelly-donut. actually, i'd just like a donut. i don't like donuts with filling."

"there's really no point in me calling. i'd just yell at her and she wouldn't care. i wouldn't feel any better and she wouldn't feel any better. i'd only be calling because i said i was going to."

"i like pulling my hat over my entire body and jumping around a bunch."

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-07 at 7:09 p.m.
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