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From the Bridge.

From the Bridge

Many times in my life,

I pushed people off bridges.

For each, I knew the bridge.

For each, I knew the bait.

For each, I managed the strength.

To those of you that bounced back,

I'm sorry.

To those of you that stayed down,

I'm sorry.To those of you that bounced back,

Thank you.

To those of you that bounced back,

I understand.

I, too, have been pushed.

And I knew it simply hurt.

Until I jumped.

Only then,

Only when I pushed myself off,

Did I know what it meant to fall.

I found ease when pushing,

I found difficult when jumping.

No experience,

No feeling,

No thought

Can compare.

I've begun my ascent to the top.

I hope to never need to jump again.


I hope to never push again.

The fall need be made alone.

I can simply give you the bridge,

The bait.

You must manage the strength.

And I'll help you climb.

For the climb deserves company.

Thank you.

All of you helping me climb,

All of you that helped me climb,

Thank you.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-07 at 11:18 a.m.
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