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then we dance.

i tried calling katy last night to hang out with her. then she wasn't home. then i wondered if her dad would give her the message. then i tried calling other people, but they weren't home. then clark and i gave up in resolve. then katie called me (see, this is a different katie). then clark, katie, and i went for coffee. then erica and kris showed up and joined us for a while. then erica wanted my number to call me. then erica and kris left. then we left. then i hung out at my house for a while. then we watched Detroit Rock City (which was suprisingly good). then we watched monkey movie shorts. then we watched America's Funniest People. then i went to bed. then, while in bed, i watched the rest of Backwoods. then i watched some terrible movie starring Hulk Hogan. then i fell asleep. then i got up and put on pant. then i read katy's new diary entry. then i wrote this. then you read this. then you went insane because i started every sentence with one of the most annoying words in the world. then i go bye-bye. then we dance.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-10 at 3:32 p.m.
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