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the coolest name north of texas.

last night was cool. hung out a bunch with winter gray. she has the coolest name north of texas. oh ya, i hung out with dj and katy too, but they don't have the cool ass name. winter gray does. then, chad came over. and we hung out with him. and he's cool. he had nice things to say about me in his diary. that made me feel good. not too many people compliment each other. so it's cool when i get a compliment. today, i edited more of mike's comic. it's REALLY starting to shape up. i've finshed through page 11, but i'm sure i'll go back through it all with him and change it some more. now for my rant:

why do all of my friends that own a playstation 2 think i simply care about that. chad always brings his playstation 2 over when he visits. ya, it's cool. the games are cool. you know what's cooler? chad is. and mike bought one yesterday. and he was like "well, if i don't hang out with you today, i'll hang out with you tomorrow. we'll play playstation all day." see, that's not hanging out. i can play video games when my friends aren't here. i can't hang out with my friends when they're not here. therefore, my friends should hang out with me more rather than just playing video games with me. it's like, we just happen to be in each others' presence and it's not a big deal. that sucks. i wanna hang out with people some. chad should hang out with me without the playstation and mike should do likewise. that is all. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-11 at 5:25 p.m.
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