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i'm playing with chad's mind.

mark agreed with me a bunch. that's cool. he did, however, fail to mention that i'm REALLY far from a hippy or a drug-user. i enjoy violence quite thoroughly, and i've never used any drugs harder than alcohol. as you can tell, i'm no longer watching beavis and butthead. the project was a failure. tony (after having been up since 9 AM) fell asleep in the middle of tape four. mike also fell asleep soon afterwards. now he's awake and watching me type this. but still, they fucking failed. so i decided not to continue on alone. i'll still probably go watch some more anyway, but i'm not watching all of it. ya, i'd have something intellectual to say now, but i hate how mike's keyboard is positioned. i'll just save my long ass entries for later. chad's getting himself a fat little ego. so here's a link for you: this dude is a dumb fucker.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-16 at 5:49 a.m.
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