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i wanna punch ben affleck in the dick repeatedly.

i slept from 9:30 to 11. this morning. i'm not really that tired either. i should be. i was earlier. the dude who did my hair, travis, is really cool. my mom told him to convince me to cut my hair. he says to me "your mom wanted me to convince you to cut your hair. it's not going to happen, is it?" is told him no. then we went outside and had a cigarette. he rules. right now i'm drinking some good ass coffee. it's got some french vanilla creamer and a little bit of hazelnut creamer. i just taunted tony a bit about being a virgin. because he was talking about what sex was like. so i was like "how would you know?" and i laughed at him. i'm like half awake. i think i'm not tired because i'm only slightly awake. i wanna punch ben affleck in the dick repeatedly. that dude thinks he's hot, but he's not. and the women think he is too, but he's still not. and he can't act either. after my last entry (which to me was last night) i watched reindeer games. that's why i am ranting about ben affleck. after that, i watched angus. i'd never seen reindeer games and, beside ben affleck, i liked the movie. angus has always been a good movie. becuase he's not just the nerd that gets picked on. he stands up for himself. a couple nights ago, i watched Dirty Work with tony. that movie was fucking comedy. norm macdonald has the greatest thought process. mainly because it's all out loud. i've just been ranting. ok, i'm done.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-16 at 2:14 p.m.
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