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Thaer has departed.

tnoight, i deleted from the mud. it was a big deal to me. while typing my farewell note, i realized i won't miss the place. i'll miss the people. read the note:

Thaer will never be seen again. He has been unjustly punished. A crime he did not commit was his final downfall. The true story is worthless. The time has come for him to depart to other regions. He fought hard and true with his fellow companions, who have fallen previously. He hopes to be in the company of his wife soon. IRL: Good bye everyone that cared. I know there was more of you than would like to admit. Eija, I'll see you in January when you move in with me :) Nessa, Caedes, Brand, Blyde, Kahlia, Kaylee, Kellarah, Kingston, Malchor, Ramoth, Bahamut, Atma, Helgriz, and Zomak get major props. It was good knowing you, and maybe we'll cross paths irl. All the people I cared about and all the people I hated, thank you. Believe it or not, you helped me through a lot IRL. Those of you that wish to keep up contact (most of you I listed, but I'm sure I forgot a few) PLEASE email me at [email protected] For those of you that really want to know my life irl, go to Judge for yourself if I was role-playing or not. You may be shocked to learn the mysteries of the man behind the character. Yuric will not be immediately deleted, but Thaer is gone. Yuric and Krystania will be soon. So, will no regret, but some sadness, good bye. Yuric, the last BlackCloak, takes his final bow.

and now, it is done. and people have begun responding. i'll get all of those down and post them here. so people can see what text-based life has dealt me.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-20 at 3:11 a.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
i make comments here and you can make comments here