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responses to my deletion

wow, i've already started getting responses to the fact that i'm leaving phoenix.

Khoarn, a person I PKed a fair ammount: Hey man...I don't think we ever knew eachother well, or really liked eachother, but I just wanted to still email you man. Sorry to hear you go, I had a fun time always runnin from you and eija (khoarn) and all that good stuff. Hope everythings goin good for you irl, and tell Eija I said hi if you get the chance or want to. Hopefully I'll see you around, and if you like pk muds maybe you can drop by Vampiria, the mortals there don't suck so they wont kill you if you try leveling..its 4321, if you wanna come, hopefully I'll see you or Eija there maybe.....ok so have fun and peace. Brandon Ross (Atromar, Khoarn, Alleron)

Caedes, someone i actually considered a friend there. i PKed with him a lot and helped train him: My friend you will be missed there but i got your since of humor here :) ever need anything let me know you know kind ear true voice att that good shit. so drop a line get one back as the person who got me first online would say. later man. Caedes

Rith, a guy i trained to PK. then, i got him kicked out of our clan and killed him: This is really a sad thing for me. I don't know him in IRL but then I know him as a good fighter. Honestly I have to say, Thaer taught me how to pk with his other clan member Thalantyr. *SNIFF* I shall miss that Thaer. Thaer! I f u can read this... the next PK is going out to u... the skills and method u taught me.. will pay off right now i have 3pk and 7pd... if u see 4 pk.. then thats for u... i hope i see u soon = ( Choas was my first clan i have join before before the wipe.. i still remeber the days = ) I alwayz wanted to be in choas with another dupe.. but thalantyr said i cant cause there going to be gone. oh well... oh this letter will prove that Thaer.. I will always remember u... hope u come back soon.. and hope chaos will live again. Rith ThE aWaKeNeR

Eija, better known as smalz: Um... hey. I've tried to leave here before, but always come back again and again. Loved this place, yaknow? But..... it gets pretty old here sometimes. I've always hoped to see players and immortals PLAYING together, roleplaying, having a blast, and making lots of friends. I've also hoped to see active, well thought out clans, with bitter rivals, and legendary battles. This world just doesn't seem too exciting no more. Maybe someday players will be able to respect the rules, and the immortals that enforce it, because both EARN respect. Then perhaps the players could be mature and respectful enough to earn the immortal's respect. And while I'm at it all good ideas would be coded, I'd have a pony, a lot of immqp, and stuff. My love Thaer is gone. I've been forced to live as a mimicry of myself for a long while... there never was any Eija. Only Fingwe. So, I'll miss you Sebian, Thalantyr, Stormfury,..... ummmm and all my good buddies i'm forgetting at the moment. I had lots of fun getting killed repeatedly by many of you, and I had a place to live away from real life for a bit. Kenzie says bye too. So yes. It was fun sometimes. Not fun other times. I wish you all the best, and a great deal of good if not the best. Fingwe the Cowgirl screams her last yeehaw.

Atma, an acquaintance who was rather cool to talk to: I for one am going to miss them. Obviously, Thaer wasn't the BEST person on Phoenix, but he was one of the only ones who said what he felt despite the consequences. I don't know how many people he's pissed off in the time he was here, but he was keen (derived from the Tick sense). But like I said, I'll miss Thaer and Eija and whomever else they were. Atma Darksbane. Fin.

Nessa, a woman i actually met once. two weeks after i met her, her husband (who i also met) died in a car accident. she's a GREAT woman: All I can say is ::BOGGLE:: This came out of nowhere!!! Thaer can't leave! He's one of the only people on here who is actually REAL! He's always been fun and outspoken (even if it gets him in trouble, which it generally did) and geez... he was so Kurr-esque! Let's look at the trend of late. First we lose Onyx. Granted, that wasn't by choice. But then we lost Kurr... and that was a major blow. But now losing Thaer? ::sigh:: What is wrong with this picture?!? I met Thaer irl with Onyx... and he was great. ::sigh:: I, for one, am going to miss him... but thankfully there's an email address where the little bugger can be reached. And for those of you that got him in trouble, or snitched him out or whatever it was that happened... SHAME ON YOU! You should be ashamed of yourselves for ripping yet another intricate yarn out of the tapestry that is known as World of Phoenix. Bah. That's all I have to say about that. BAH. Nessa - the one who's pissed and irritated.

Kira, an immortal i used to be rather close to, but she got fairly irritated with me near the end of my stay:You bass turd, you forgot me .. I'm hurt! hehe. Take care, it sure has been a trip, and I hope you'll stop by. Silly fights and imm punishments.. things I just can't keep up with on my 1hr/week mudding time. Say hi to everyone at the Chef was it? Including the bass turd Spencer :) If you still see him. Laters, good luck IRL. and Cio

Trailen, a guy a killed a couple times that apparently appreciated me more than i knew: You have been a profound influence on my life in Phoenix. It was you that drew me toward the world of pk. There were horror stories of you backstabbing one of my friends and wasting him in less than 5 rounds. I was like...damn I gotta do that. I threw myself out into the world of pk and gained much the end I was able to beat the second tier version of caedes; caelestio. Anyway, I wanna thank you for voicing your opinion stridently over public channels, and urging me to do so too. You never backed down, even against intimidating immies (KIRA *cough cough*) . I will always remember you and will take up your legacy as a voiceferous individual. You were a REAL person and an awesome pker. thx for bein real, Trailen

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