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so i was going to do an entry about how much it's going to suck that dj's moving out. then i read his entry. so, it sucks. i spoke to smalz on the phone yesterday. it was cool. we got things discussed about him moving in. my mom got a LOT of money in the mail today (i got the two checks), so i can buy a car now. and get myself from here to there. and there to here. and it'll be good. i have to be at my mom's tomorrow early for food-grindage-essen. *shrug* i'll just try and enjoy myself tomorrow and it'll be all good.

"there no desert that ain't seen rain. no one here that ain't felt pain. there's no leader that ain't been lead. there's no blood that ain't been shed."

i'm listening to not-so-happy music. and i didn't get enough sleep. i'm going to go brush my toofs and shower now. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-21 at 2:07 p.m.
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