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congratulations katie and tony.

the women chad met up with were cool. i hope he gets to hook up with abby. or however you spell her name. although i thought the rachel chick was cooler. he should hook up with the one of them. and give the other one to tony. and then johnny should hook up with elise, and everyone would be happy. i'm coping with being the best man still. it's getting weirder the more i think about it. and i feel bad about it because i know it hurts dj that he's not the best man. and i've been thinking about the phrase "best man." tony (townsend) has a point when he says "it means the best man for the job. the person most suited to stand by him. to stand with him in his times of glory and in his times of pain." he didn't say it quite so poetically, so i paraphrased. still, it haunts me being called the "best man." especailly by tony (brunscheon). he knows EVERYTHING about me. he's probably the ONLY person in the world that truely knows everything about me. he knows stuff i've never told tory, i've never told amy, i've never told mark, and i've never told johnny. and those 4 know ALOT about me. nearly everything. amy and tory not quite as much, since they know nearly nothing about me since we broke up. i think i'm going to start writing a song about being the "best man." that's how much it's eating me. it's inspiring me to write music. i've already got a bunch of lyrics in my head for it, they just need a little refining. now, i'm going to write those a bit, and read mark's long ass entry, then go sleepy-poo. ok, good night. and congratulations katie and tony.

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i was writed on 2001-11-27 at 3:31 a.m.
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