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My fairy tale.

i was reading stuff on people's stuff. i found a site that wanted me to make a fairy tale i did. here it is:

Once upon a time, there was a hungry, stinky girl named Timmy. Everyone loved Timmy, but that didn't matter. You see she was fat and in love with Jonah, who happens to hate fat girls. Timmy tried very hard not to be fat. She even tried careening. But that didn't work.

Then one day while grumbling through a very purple mexico, she deficated upon a jelloish monkey. This jelloish monkey spoke to Timmy and said, "If you can answer my riddle I will grant you a wish."

Well timmy fell. And she unknowingly said, "What is your riddle, wee bit like tony's bedroom monkey?"

The monkey replied, "If a different monkey has a baby-blue teddy bear with a pink nose, how many rockets does it throw?"

Timmy thought about the riddle and answered, "15!"

The monkey began jumping, than it chewed, and turned into a feces thrower. The feces thrower complained and said, "You are correct! You turned this old monkey back into a handsome feces thrower. What is your wish?"

Timmy was so happy! She knew exactly what she wanted, "I don't want to be fat any more! That way Jonah will fall in love with me."

The feces thrower then worshipped his jelloish one of those things that flies around and puts fish in its mouth and Timmy was no longer fat! She left mexico to find Jonah. When she did, she found him being Naked-Head, the politcal girl from The City of Lava. And Jonah/Naked Head lived accidentally ever after. Timmy, on the other hand, died.

these were the actual results. i found it rather funny. i fixed up gramatical errors. well, the few i noticed in my half-awake, trying to focus on a screen my eyes are mad at, state. i particularly liked that i can't follow directions, and "timmy" was my first female name. that, and my 2 animals were "monkey" and "different monkey." although, it probably wouldn't have been quite so funny if i'd used 2 different animals. i didn't know one was going to become the other. my pic for best part: the fact that jonah hates fat girls enough that timmy wished to not be fat. it's so american :) on that note, good night.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-28 at 3:20 a.m.
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