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my and i yelled a bunch.

well, my mom and i just yelled at each other a bunch. she yelled at me about a job. i, then, just broke down and yelled at her. i yelled about how much it destroyed my self-esteem to have her constantly bitching about my incompetance at getting a job. then i yelled about how it was bad enough that i get turned down for jobs repeatedly and she just made it worse. i swore alot. i'm honestly supprised i didn't start crying. and i was making food, because i was hungry. now, it's almost done cooking, but i feel sick. i can't get on diaryland right now because the damn thing won't let me. it's being ultra-laggy. i've been attempting to get on there for about 15 minutes. ah, i think it loaded now. i'll copy this over and paste it in there. then i think i'm going to just let my food sit and go to mom's house to talk to her. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-28 at 5:27 p.m.
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