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good night/bad night.

i could claim i had a bad night. i could also claim i had a good night. i'll claim niether. here's events as transpired. mark stayed here to talk to people about (i assume) drugs and the government. that's nearly all that's ever spoken of here. we could have had an emotional and wonderful talk. it didn't happen. angie called (i was gonna call her) and she's not sure if she wants me and mark to go visit now. she might be at em traw's tomorrow night. me being as untrusting as i am, feel that she's just saying she doesn't want me to come. me TRYING to be trusting (and angie's supporting this...) believes that she honestly wants me to come, but has an obligation (possibly) to em traw. by possibly i mean that she may not stay at em traw's. so ya, that'll get dealt with tomorrow and hopefully if she doesn't want me to come she'll just say it. on the better side, i had a good time hanging out with chad and others while they were at my house. and i had a good time drinking coffee with dj, clark and tony. so that was cool. once again, back to the not so good side. after dropping dj off, my tire decided to pop for no reason. so clark and i spent 45 minutes changing it. on a good note, my mom loaned me money so i can get a new tire tomorrow. on a not so good note, my hamper decided to rip and i need to buy a new one of those. everything seems to be give and take. tomorrow's another day though. i'll get a new tire and get an oil change, and feel like i've accomplished something right off. then, i can get a new hamper and apply at some places for jobs. seems like a good start of a day to me. also, i'm tired right now, so i should be able to get to sleep soon. and, i got my laundry done. a few permanent things from tonight:

dj renamed the female sexual organ to: not-penis

tony said something along the lines of "we just overcame a 17 point deficit. we were down by 8, now we have 9. that's 17." my response was "dude, that only puts you up by 1, that's an 8 point deficit." and he says "ya, shut up. don't tell anyone else about this."

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-30 at 2:54 a.m.
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