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Hack is happiness.

i've been up for a little while, which is odd, since it's 1. and i've been up since noon. that's right, i suceeded. i got up early. i'm going to leave in a moment to go get my tire changed. first, i'd like to leave some advice that a good friend of mine sent me in an email. i agree with it. appreciate the little shit. it's what matters.

"Always remember, hack is happiness. It's true. It really is...also... Ozzyball is happiness. Walks in the park is happiness. Orange goo is super happiness. but most of all leopard skin pants

on Nepalese buddhist nun dancing through yellow snow is happiness. It really is." ~ evan clayson

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-30 at 12:59 p.m.
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