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Re: Bwee

bwee wrote an email about who friends are. i expounded:

This, too, is not a forward, it's a reply. Sorry, I'm silly.

Friends are the people who

~you can talk to for hours without making any sense to them or yourself

~don't sleep because you don't think they should

~forget to email for 2 weeks so they call you and have a long conversation about something neither of you would've dared say in an email

~don't let you win at Risk because they think you're too good, even though you haven't won since sixth grade

~you are not getting my last fucking cigarette, but i'll let you live at my house for 2 months. i've let several others

~remember your telephone number because you forget sometimes

~call you by your nicknames

~can drink enough coffee to kill a small herd of yak, and still not let you leave the restaraunt

~believe in you

~get mad when you fuck an ugly chick

~fuck her too so you feel better

~holds back their naked friends' hair and puts a blanket over said friends while they puke in your mom's toilet

~stop at your school after months of no contact and neither of you think it's strange or awkward

~find you to tell you when something stupid happens, because only you would care

~know you're funny

~know you're beautiful

~hug at just the right times

~don't throw feces at you

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-06 at 12:45 p.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
i make comments here and you can make comments here