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i wrote a poem tonight. amanda required a poem for class (it is due tomorrow) and had to fulfill 15 requirements in this poem. however, we didn't know what one of them was, so it didn't get fulfilled. she finally got one written (it took nearly 3 times as long as it took me) and is probably turning hers in for class. mine does actually apply for myself, though it is fairly extreme. it deals with a situation that is in the past and bothers me little to none now. but, it's a class poem, so you have to exagurate everything, because teachers don't appreciate reality. i've appropriately titled it "Precipitation":

Life rained on me

Rained down shaved cats, worm-infested apples, and other disgusting things.

Like an itch you can't reach

Like the auroma of burned hair

Like the *beep* of an alarm clock

Oh, the sweet taste of bile in my throat

Oh, the glorious sorrow

Oh, the waterdrops streaking down the window

When something I feel passionate about

Ends up on Tory's doorstep

Ends up in Castroville, Texas

My grey sweater, now in the possession of my ex-girlfriend

And the rain froze as the time passed by

And the snow matured

And the snow congeled

And life snowed on me

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-06 at 4:09 a.m.
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