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the commercialism and impracticality of christmas.

it's christmas shopping day. and for those of you that don't know what that means, it means i go spend money i don't have to buy presents for people that don't know what they want because they've actually gotten to the point that they realize they don't need anything more that money can buy them. with the exception of my mom who was excessively hastey to give my siblings and me a chirstmas list. she is also the one paying for me to buy stuff. granted, i sold myself into slavery for the money (indentured servitude if you will) but it is still money she legitimately earned. i get to go to the mall and give my brother money so he can get discounts at the stores i have to buy things at. then, i get to go to the stores that he counldn't get discounts at and buy other useless shit for people who don't really need it and probably won't care that i buy it. they WOULD, however, care if i didn't buy it. never a thanks be offered for a christmas present that wasn't needed, but always a bitch waiting if said useless present is not present. my christmas list:

a firewire hardrive for my computer. this will be used to store music and samples i have so i can work on techno via fruity loops.

a cd player for my car. i purchased one previously for my old car, but my brother bought that from me after he wrecked my car.

pants, black, cargo style

socks, white, short

long john shirts, 1 black, 1 white

shoes, low-top, black

sheets, black, single bed

jacket, grey or black, hooded sweater-style

snow-board boots, k2 click in style, red, white or black

coffee, anything but decaf or locaf

that's all i can think of. granted, i don't need some of that stuff (the top 2 specifically) but they would all be greately appreciated. the clothing i realy do need. my socks and shoes are becoming ragged and hurt my feet when i walk long distances. i know i'm going to have to add to this list for my mom, because she's going to want to buy me cd's and movies and stuff like that. i appreciate those things. i LOVE a good movie or good music, but i would prefer these practical things. these are much easier for her to purchase acccurately and will assist me everyday.

now that i'm done venting about the commercialism and impracticality of christmas, i'm going to go buy my mom some gold earings and some over-priced leather gloves. everyone else is probably getting music. except the people that read my diary and i'm buying presents for. they're probably getting sex from a homeless guy that has a sign saying "will work for food." i've got some food, and he's gonna do the work i say he's doing. he always seems to show up at the mall on holidays, but never on non-holidays. go figure. k, i'm out.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-12 at 2:33 p.m.
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