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Daytime Sleep Sucks.

i managed to get about 5 minutes of sleep between 2:40 and 2:45. then mike decided to call my cell phone and i was awakened. i was nearly back to sleep when my nose started running. so i got up to blow my nose, then i couldn't get back to sleep because my mouth was dry and i needed to smoke. so i lit up a cigarette and went down stairs to make some kool-aide. i needed 1 cup of sugar, but woulda settled for 1/2 just so i didn't die. unfortunately, i had about 1 tablespoon of sugar. so i couldn't make kool-aide and my mouth was getting drier from smoking. i decided to drive to HyVee and buy some sugar. as i was leaving i got the bright idea to go to Kwik Star and buy a Mega-Buddy instead. since i drove, i wanted to drive more, so i did. then didn't help make me tired, driving always wakes me up. so i decided to read stuff on the internet. i read some diaries and i read all of stile's new stuff. watched the new videos too. then i read some more diaries and read some more stile stuff again. and i'm still not tired. it's 6:30 and i gotta get up at about noon. ya, these problems ain't serious shit, i know that. people are getting shot and starving and junk like that. i'm not though. so this sucks because i'm actually experiencing it. anyone that reads this, worry about those other people. getting shot and whatnot sucks more than being an insomniac. reasons that sleeping during the day sucks:

1) the only people on the same sleep schedule as you live in big cities and want to rob your ass.

2) you can't go to a decent restaurant. the only fucking places open are Happy Chef, Perkins, and Hardees. fuck the idea of trying to get food that tastes good.

3) you can only watch the same infomercials so many times before they drive you insane. infomercials rule and all, but they gotta get some variety-action going on.

4) HBO mainly shows soft-core porn at night. i wanna watch a decent fucking movie.

5) the cartoons aren't as good at night. i get to watch like 3 hours of flintstones before any good shit comes on. and then it's 6 AM and the daytime people are watchign those same cartoons that i had to suffer through the flintstones to get to. little bit of trivia: the flintstones is rated as the least violent cartoon.

6) you can't go to the bank. if i need money, too fucking bad. i gotta go buy some shit with a check and write that for $5 extra so i can have some cash in my pocket.

7) your parent (or parents for some of you) doesn't appreciate you stopping in to say "hi" at 4 AM.

8) your friends that are either too young or too spoiled all have curfews. and none of them want to risk pissing their parents off because then their parents would quit buying them everything they want. the younger ones should probably listen to the curfew, but any of them over 18 should tell them to go fuck themselves.

9) night school is about equal to junior in intelligence.

10) it gets fucking cold out. it's not fun to walk around at 2 AM spending most of your time concentrating on not getting a cold or herpes.

11) almost all 3rd shift jobs suck ass

12) when you DO manage to get to sleep at night, some jack-ass feels the need to wake you up and then tell you "well you never sleep at night any other times, so i figured you wouldn't mind." like daytime sleepers appreciate sleep less than nighttime sleepers. i mean, what the fuck, just because we sleep on a different schedule means we want people to wake us up when are asleep. fuck that.

13) any sort of appointment. dentist, doctor, lawyer, any of that shit. they all seem to want you there at like 10 AM. late enough that you're not going to stay awake and wait, but early enough that you're not going to get more than 4 hours of sleep, if you're lucky.

14) light. if you haven't seen a significant ammount of light in a similar ammount of time, light really hurts. if the only light you've seen for the last several hours is a tv or computer, even room lights hurts. and if it's just been room lights, sunlight hurts. and damn, going several days without seeing the sun, and then being forced to exit your house at 1 PM is the most excruiating pain ever. even with sunglasses on, you get an instant migrane.

15) being able to see your significant other for approximately 2 hours a day (at best) because he/she is a nighttime sleeper with things to do during the day. you get to see your signifcant other for the several hours after you wake up and before he/she goes to sleep.

16) your perceptions of time become totally defunt. seeing the sunset at 5 PM screws with you even worse. suddenly your friends become available and you don't have to subject yourself to the sun. you can't tell whether it's 5 PM or 5 AM without looking at a fucking clock. so you're never on time for anything.

that's enough reasons. i just felt like putting all that shit down. i'm still not tired. guess i'll go to bed and watch some tv. hopefully there's a good movie or some good cartoons on. otherwise, i'm watching Falling Down again. i watched it a few days ago, and since it's stil in my VCR, i don't feel like picking out a different movie to watch. well, good sleeping period to your all. bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-14 at 6:45 a.m.
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