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bad boyfriend.

aye, i said i'd have another entry. true enough, i do. i feel the need to explain the "bad situation" i've put myself into and choose to stay in. alot of guys (i'm only using them because it's easier to have a 1 sex example) have girlfriends that the guy's friends disapprove of. the guy's reponse is that the girl is really a good person and that his friends just don't know it. this REALLY applies to me. i wasn't a good person for a long period of time. and i still don't let people know the whole me. at least, not everyone gets to know. so when i have a girlfriend that claims i'm really a better person than her friends think, she's telling the truth. obviously, her friends will think she's lieing because 9 times out of 10 she would be. but i don't let her friends know the entire me unless i wish to make them my friends. and my friends know the entirety of me. if someone claims to be my friend and claims i'm a bad person (both honestly) i'd laugh in their face. when i am placed socially with people who are not my friends, i drop my intelligence level and emotional level so i can still appreciate their company. therefore people that know me socially and do not know me as a friend do not know ME. someone i am dating or someone i consider to be my friend knows me. in addition, my diary readers know me. as long as they keep up. i update alot, but that's how my life is. i've got a LOT of thoughts and emotions and i wish to express them as frequently as possible. if you can't figure me out through reading my diary or you still feel i am a bad person, i honestly pitty your stupidity. it's not that hard to look up a word in a dictionary (i keep one next to my computer, i use it frequently) or ask a person for an explanation. anyway, that's my bad situation. whenever i have a girlfriend or whatnot, her friends always think i'm a bad person because the only information they've gotten is from people who are not my friends. people who don't know me. i guess that's all. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-14 at 1:46 a.m.
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