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it saddens me to know that elise felt the need to get a secret diary. i spoke with her about it previous to her getting it, and i support her getting it. what saddens me is the implicit reasoning. she is being misjudged by someone who could adversly affect her life. for those of you that don't understand big words, i offer the retard's explantion. stupid people are harassing elise. i want to just go off on one individual right now, but i'm sure there are others, so i'll avoid going off on anyone. there is a greater evil involved, though. this is not simply about elise. it's about people and the lies that people feed themselves. my explanation:

my/our group of friends claims to be open minded. that is a lie. therefore, most of us admit our faults and hypocracies. i prematurely judge drug-users. that is my major closed-mindedness. i have others, but that is my major one, i admit it. chad judges jock/preps, he admited that in a recent entry. so on and so on. MOST of us admit it. it's part of working our faults through and becoming what our united beliefs consider to be a better person. (note: i still REALLY want to just go off and swear a lot) yet people seem to judge within our group of friends. aye, i do it too. this is going to turn into 2 entries. now i've got to explane myself a bit. parts i've not fully explaned to most people. that'll be the next entry. back to this though. certain individuals are trying to change people's actions based on uneducated information. example: Girl A likes Guy A. Girl B thinks Guy A is a bad person even though Girl B only knows what other people have told her about Guy A. she has never actually bothered to get to know Guy A before thinking he's bad. but Girl A knows Guy A really well. and Girl A knows Guy A is a good person. so Girl B needs to GO FUCK HERSELF. SHE SHOULD SHUT THE FUCK UP AND QUIT TOILING IN BUSINESS SHE IS IGNORANT IN. BECAUSE IT'S OBVIOUSLY BOTHERING GIRL A AND GUY A IS FUCKING SICK OF IT. ok, i vented now. remember, the exaple may be unique, but the problem is universal. frankly, i'd like to keep my group of friends as the open-minded people rather than the "open-minded" people. if this means losing friends, so be it. the friendship was never true to being with then.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-14 at 1:22 a.m.
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