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101 Ways to Look Like Yuric.

1) brush your teeth every morning and night

2) wear your pinky ring that says "skate"

3) grow a goatee down to your collar bone

4) grow your hair down to your collar bone

5) look good in black

6) wear german skater pants

7) wear cargo pants

8) wear black long-sleeved shirts under black t-shirts

9) wear white long-john shirts under t-shirts

10) wear black goggles with red lenses

11) wear airwalk/vans style black or grey shoes

12) don't shave often

13) smoke a LOT

14) have a blood red nokia phone

15) wear black leather straps tied around your wrists

16) wear a grey hodded sweater that zips in the middle

17) have a plain silver tongue rings

18) have a scar on your left nostril from your old nose ring

19) bite your nails so they're painfully short

20) wear short white socks

21) don't have any piercings except your tongue

22) don't have any tattoos

23) don't get enough sleep so you have bags under your eyes

24) chew on your fingers, tongue, lips, cheeks, and anything else you can find

25) have brown eyes

26) have dark brown hair that has light brown and blonde highlights (best if natural and seasonal)

27) wear a red columbia jacket during the winter

28) drink coffee a LOT

29) smile with only your right side of your mouth when something is funny

30) smile using your entire mouth when something makes you unexplanably happy (ie: a woman, a hug)

31) hang out with hot chicks (*giggle*)

32) hang out with hot guys (*cackle*)

33) look skinny even though you've got a little bit of a gut

34) have a dick

35) only have an average size dick

36) have long fingers

37) drive a navy blue car

38) drive a '98 corsica

39) shake people's hands as greetings if you don't know them, give them a pound if you do know them

40) don't wear any clothing that's not red, black or white

41) wear spiked bracelets

42) wear spiked collars

43) eat almost anything that's not conventionally edible

44) be an extremely picky eater with what is conventionally edible

45) make eye contact with a person when speaking to them

46) sit with a slouch

47) walk with a slouch

48) walk with dignity

49) mouth the words to songs you're listening to

50) air guitar the solos to songs you're listening to (poorly though, because you don't play guitar)

51) put your head down to think, rather than looking up

52) look like a total stoner

53) never smoke anything that's not a cigarette, cigar, or cigarello

54) never do any drugs

55) give the metal (devil) hand sign a lot

56) give people the shocker

57) finger people

58) finger people randomly

59) nash your teeth at people

60) stick your tongue out at a lot of people

61) have a small tongue

62) always put your cigarettes completely out

63) sit in the half-lotus position prodominantly

64) sleep curled up in a little ball when on your side

65) sleep with your arms crossed on your chest (as if in a coffin) when on your back

66) never sleep on your stomach

67) when you hug someone, always hug around their waist

68) paint your nails about once a month, always black

69) randomly look like you're deep in thought (best if you really are)

70) be at restaurants a lot

71) only get coffee (or rarely, pop) when at a restaurant

72) use equal in your coffee at restaurants, not sugar

73) never visibly have anything in your pockets

74) don't wear any jewelry except your leather braclets and ring, except on special occassions

75) have a mid to big sized nose

76) fidget with your hair a lot

77) hold your head at a slightly cocked angle

78) cry when driving around alone and singing to music on the radio

79) head-bang to music when appropriate

80) look good doing it

81) have long eyelashes

82) wear only stocking caps, never baseball or other types or hats

83) wear a lot of t-shirts promoting bands

84) never wear anything that looks new unless trying to appear dressed up

85) carry your wallet in your left back pocket

86) be right-handed

87) smoke with your right hand only

88) always carry your cigarettes in a left pocket

89) carry your cell phone on your right pocket (using a phone clip)

90) occassionally look irritated for no reason (best if genuinely irritated for a reason that just doesn't appply to your current surroundings)

91) try your hardest to not carry change unless you have a specific goal for the change

92) carry your keys on a necklace

93) put the necklace holding your keys in your left front pocket, never on your neck

94) when sitting with one leg straitened, shake it, as if nervous

95) always be moving or fidgeting

96) when standing up after sitting for a while, linger around what your just stood up from and hestitate to go to your destiantion (your reason for standing up)

97) sit with your car seat way back and significantly reclined

98) drive with your left hand on the bottom of the wheel (not the right hand on top, like a "g")

99) crack your neck and back alot because they hurt and you can't get a back rub from anyone

100) play with anything anyone gives you (that doesn't disgust you to have been given, ie: feces)

101) be with the woman that makes you happy and your friends that make you happy

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-15 at 6:55 p.m.
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