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my night =

my night:

dj watched the video on stile project after i told him not to.

people drank here.

i sat at my brother's house for a while, trying to role-play in a group of 9 people. this would have worked if all 9 would have been role-playing. instead, 5 of us were role-playing and the other 4 were fucking around and running the whole god damned thing because my brother put one of them in charge. i'm really sick of my brother inviting me over to "role-play" but never enforcing that people act like their fucking characters should act.

people left huge fucking messes around the house while i was gone. the fact that they left these messes shows that they don't intend to clean them up. since no one in my house can clean a fucking thing (except johnny) i'm going to clean the shit up tonight, even though i wasn't here when the mess got made.

dj called me for a ride home while i was at my brother's. i wasn't even at my fucking house with him and he thought i should take him home. i don't have gas money because i'm a fucking lazy-ass who won't get a job, so i can't afford to drive around people who won't get a car. not to mention that i'm not even at the same location as said people and already told them i was NOT giving them a ride home.

i'm in a pissy mood. this entry is going to piss people off. too fucking bad. it's my diary. i get to vent here. i'll be in a better mood tomorrow. i'm going to go clean up the house and go to sleep.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-16 at 6:10 a.m.
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