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7 little, 8 little, 9 little indians.

once i left ben's (or bin's, or whatever) house, i had a GREAT night. discussed some theology with Seager (who knows his shit) and discussed government with everyboy there (the Posp, Ozzie, Seager, Renner). well, everybody discussed theology too, but it was mainly with Seager. and we viewed Seager's artwork and i took pictures. i'm learning more html, and soon, i'll get a website up so people can view my photography and ALL of my lyrics and poetry (which 90% of it sucks). that'll be cool once i get that up. oh, also, i told Her "see you around" which was my resolve. kinda like a "i tried but apparently, i failed." kinda thing. that comment will probably be misinterpreted. i mean it in a genuine "i wish to be friends" kinda way, but i don't know how to explain. just try and know it's not neccessarily a bad thing. i guess that's all. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-30 at 3:26 a.m.
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