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Grand Theft Auto 4

Mission 3 was: 2 options, steal a canoe that was further than 1 mile from my house or bring a person back to this house that no one knows. this mission was our pride and joy. this was the best that me and "Betsie" could come up with. and our team failed.

Mission 4 was: 3 steps. step one, get onto the highschool's football field on the 30 yard line. any two of the 3 members had to make out for 15-20 seconds on video tape. as the team was arriving, the Don called and informed them of step 2. go to a specific Hardees and order 12 Kethcup packets and 1 Large Water. Video tape this. about halfway to Hardees, "Betsie" called and informed the team of step 3. which was to video tape a moltav cocktail being smashed in Birdsall Park. they had been given $3 pervious to leaving for the mission so gasoline and a glass bottle could be accuired. this too had to be video taped. once the team arrived (with 4 minutes to spare) the video tape was reviewed, and all missions were passed.

from now on, there will probably be multiple teams in the field attempting to complete the same missions. "Betsie," the Don, and I (Ghost) will be assigning more missions. any people (or teams) wishing to join, should contact us. more GTA4 will happen soon.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-31 at 6:46 a.m.
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