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real life Grand Theft Auto.

we're playing real life Grand Theft Auto. bree, ozzie, and the Posp are out running missions. i call them at a certain time and then add to the mission. they must return here by the time limit or fail. mission 1: get a candy bar for andy, and a pop for tony. i then called and added that they must get 5 red christmas lights and 1 blue christmas light. they returned with plenty of time to spare. mission 2: drop ozzie's car off at her house, get cigarettes for the Posp. i then called them at the designated time (they had to wait at whatever gas station they chose) and added to it. they must now return with a french tickler condom and a lawn ornament. they have 30 minutes left. it's quite a ways to the porn shop. will they make it?

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-31 at 2:45 a.m.
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