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what the fuck is this?

Rick Hayes had a great idea for our first meeting and our speaker, Mark Pospisil, will be presenting a fascinating look at his minerals and rock collections. Mr. Pospisil, Manager of Exploration at Cross Timbers Oil Company, has presented this collection to his coworkers at CTOC and it is truly interesting. Rick has many ideas for speakers lined up and the next few meetings have been planned with a mix of the tried and true and new. He is busy lining up the topics for our spring seminar so don?t hesitate to give him requests. Many of you have already responded on your renewal for Dalworth and that is appreciated. Diane Wright has the responsibility for picking our meeting locations and has tried to include some new locations as well as the favorites which always bring in big crowds. This is a tough job because it is really difficult to find a restaurant with prices for less than $20 per plate when you factor in desserts, gratuities etc. Diane has been creative with her choices of meeting locations and I think our membership will be pleased.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-03-15 at 4:21 p.m.
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