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Horror Movies

400 and something movies after i began my study of horror, i FINALLY composed a top 10 horror movie list. likewise, i composed a bottom 10 list.

top 10 horror movies (these are universally scary AND being a well-made film)
10. The Silence of the Lambs, 1991
9. Psycho, 1960
8. Friday the Thirteen, 1980
7. The Howling, 1970
6. A Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984
5. The Blair Witch Project, 1999
4. Poltergeist, 1982
3. The Exorcist, 1973
2. Salem's Lot, 1979
1. Candyman, 1992

worst 10 horror movies (these being intend as horror only, measured by the unintentional comedic value, 1 being the worst horror movie ever)
10. Funeral Home, 1983
9. Howling: New Moon Rising, 1995
8. Ice Cream Man, 1997
7. Ticks, 1993
6. Elves, 1989
5. Side Show, 2000
4. Basket Case, 1982
3. Alien Dead, 1985
2. Killer Klowns from Outer Space, 1988
1. Creeps, 1997

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