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what i meant to say was "fuck beck's"

well, an update on my last entry is needed. i went to Hy-Vee, Wal-Mart, and Super Target. all were hiring and i turned in applications. Target's gonna call and set up an interview by tuesday and wal-mart will let me know within a few days. hy-vee didn't say anything. mark called and was rather pissed that i was not at work. once again, i feel bad. in fact, now i feel worse that they made him call. they ALWAYS make him call me and smalz because they know he has an emotional pull with us and they don't. mark, if you read this before i get a chance to talk to you, don't mistake this as your apology. i'll apologize in person. i'm gonna head out to APAC tomorrow and see i they're hiring too. right now, all i really want (from employment) is a job that pays more than $5.50 per hour, or AT LEAST give me more than 30 hours a week. at $5.50 for 24 hours a week (about what i was working at bex) i wouldn't have mark paid back for QUITE a while. i estimate 3 months, assuming no unexpected costs arose (like the fact that my brakes need fixed). with a bigger paycheck, i can get him paid back quicker, which'll make both of us feel better. frankly, i an live on 24 hours at $5.50, but i don't like being in debt and i'd also appreciate being able to save a bit of money if possible.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-13 at 10:20 p.m.
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